Friday, March 11, 2016

A Mini-Miracle

Just want to share something that happened to me yesterday.   This has nothing to do with my 30 by 30 (but since you're wondering, YES I'm still planning on writing up the rest of my adventures as soon as I can!), but for now I just have to share this little story.

I was at the square yesterday afternoon and I had just finished a guitar lesson- which was one of my new adventures and so far I'm sticking with it!- and since my kiddos were in the sweet care of Joey's "Favorite Grown-Up" (my Aunt), I thought I would go to Cool Beans and get a few things done.  

And because it's me, and I have a knack for this kind of thing, I grabbed a box of envelopes when I meant to grab notecards, so I couldn't work on what I had planned.  No worries though, I had already bought my hot tea so I wasn't going anywhere fast!  

I pulled out a book instead.  

I'm reading "Rediscovering Jesus" by Matthew Kelly.  It's a devotional, so there's only a little bit to read each day.  I'll tell you more about it later, but I'm only on day 4 or 5 right now!  The part that I read was about "The Jesus Question."  Basically, it's from Mattheww 16:15, when Jesus asked his deciples, "But who do you say that I am?"  Kelly says that this question is unavoidable- that everyone will have to answer it in some way, and that even if they think they're "ignoring" the question, they're choosing to ignore Jesus, which- in a way- is their own [pitiful] answer to the question.  Kelly says that Jesus is everywhere.  Entirely unavoidable.  

As I finished up the chapter, I kind of challenged that.  I mean, I was sitting in a public coffee shop.  Hobby Lobby is one thing, but most other public places don't display even the tiniest hint of christianity, let alone Jesus.  I looked around to see if I was right.  

I saw a ton of things that REALLY speaks volumes about our culture, and I wrote all these things down under the heading Looking for signs of Jesus... A framed dollar bill on the wall, an ATM machine, clever signs about coffee/chocolate/caffeine, lots of art (paintings, photography, wall hangings), newspapers, and they even had a psychic there offering tarot readings!  The closest thing I saw to Jesus was a St. Patrick's Day banner with little four leaf clovers on it. 

I came to the conclusion that our ONLY chance to see Jesus when we're out in public like that... 
is IN EACH OTHER!  We have to treat others like Jesus would have.  We have to love them.  THEN we will start to be able to see Jesus everywhere we go!

A short but sweet little lesson, I thought.  I was pretty content with myself for having come up with this.
As I packed up, I realized I had overlooked a bookshelf, and decided to walk past it on the way out to see if there was a Bible.  I figured that was my best shot at finding a physical "sign" of Jesus.... NOPE.  Nothing.  No Bible, no religious books, no spiritual books... that I saw.  There's a chance I could have missed one or two as I was speed-reading through the book titles.  

But not a CHANCE in H-E-double-hockey-sticks that I could have missed what I saw next.  On the very top shelf, laying flat on the surface was a great big Slap In The Face.  A HUGE wake-up call, that I wasn't expecting... not in the least!  

A loud and clear "Yes, Emily.  Even in Cool Beans, on your beloved Medina Square, I am here."

A lonely, but purposeful card that someone had left earlier...


My mini-miracle.

And you know,  THANK GOD I was wrong about not finding Jesus there.

THANK GOD for this reminder, just for me, that He is everywhere I go.

And THANK GOD for still loving doubters like me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Day 10- Geocaching

Have you heard about geocaching yet!?!?  I thought I knew what it was, but then I actually TRIED it, and ohmygosh, NOT what I was expecting.  It's SO fun!!! Like, really fun for grown ups AND kids, and probably for advanced grown ups, too!

(DAD, you are going to LOVE THIS!!!)

So before I get much further, you'll have to learn what geocaching IS so that you can follow along.  Here's what explained it best for me.  It's a minute-fifteen second Youtube video that explains pretty well what it's all about.  Check it out and then come right back, ok?

As you now know, it's like real-life treasure hunting, using your phone with a GPS.  You pick a "Cache" that you want to look for, read the description and clues, follow its coordinates on the map, and then look for it!  Usually the cache will be within 10 yards or so from the coordinates.  Some are easy, others hard, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  Once you find it, you sign the log book, and then you can even trade little knick-knacks that were left inside from other geocachers!

I cannot WAIT for the weather to get nice again so I can go geocaching all the time!

THIS is where it all began.  Once I downloaded the app, I pulled open the map and saw this:

I’m probably stating the obvious, but each green dot is a Geocache!  I couldn’t BELIEVE that there are so many in Medina!  And there are close to 50 geocaches in each city around Medina (including Brunswick, Strongsville, Cleveland, Fairlawn, Wadsworth, Lodi, Wooster…) Maybe this makes me a huge dork, but I think it's REALLY exciting!

Anyway, back to my story... we grabbed knick-knacks from around the house (and marked them with #Ems30by30), packed up the kids, and headed out to find our first Cache!  We decided to try finding “Cache Noel” which is located right by Castle Noel, south of the Medina Square.  J was SOOOO excited to be on a “treasure hunt,” and T just picks up on her enthusiasm, even when he doesn’t know what’s going on.  It’s terribly precious.  Once we got to the exact coordinate of the GPS, the cache was supposed to be within 10 yards or so.  

We searched high and low, and then… WE FOUND IT!!!  Here we are, checking out what was inside:

We signed the log book, and found my girlfriend’s name (the one who inspired me to do a 30 by 30, and also who told me about Geocaching!):

And we traded knick-knacks.  J was so excited to pick a bouncy ball, and T couldn’t care less, so we just took the one!

I cannot WAIT for the weather to get nice again so we can go geocaching all the time!  If you want to try it out, just start by downloading an app for Geocaching... of course there's one that costs $10, but I just used the free one! :)

OKAY, now I have the CUTEST PICTURE of when we found the geocache, so this is a MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!! Don’t scroll down unless you won’t do this cache or don’t mind knowing where it is!!!

****SPOILER ALERT!!!****

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****SPOILER ALERT!!!****

Pulling out the Cache...
...and putting it back!