Friday, January 29, 2016

Welcoming my 30's

Hey there!  Welcome to my adventure!

My name is Emily and I am 29 and 11/12-ths years old.  I will be 30 in exactly 30 days.  Which, after today, gives me 29 days left of being 29.  That’s it, then my twenties will be a thing-of-the-past!  Done, over, gone.  Never comin’ back.

But at least I’m not freaking out about it, right?!?!  I mean, people turn 30 everyday, so what’s the big deal?!?!

Well the big deal is that this time it’s happening to ME!  And I sure WAS freaking out, once I realized that the ever-looming milestone birthday just kept creeping closer and closer.  But, thanks to the example of a great friend (or two!), I have decided to welcome in the next decade of my life with open arms and a full calendar.  I’m challenging myself to a “30 by 30” adventure; starting today, I will do one new thing each day until my birthday.  These tasks will always be something I’ve never done before, some big & some small, some & easy some hard, but they’ll all be “thirty-some adventures” that will add up to one big adventure.  It’s a way for me to celebrate me, and my 30th birthday.  And hopefully, if I like blogging, the adventures will continue well into my thirties, and “thirty-some adventures” will take on a whole new meaning!

I also need to address the “Why are you doing this?/I don’t get it..” questions that I’ve been asked a handful of times already.  I’m doing this for me.  I’m doing this because, even though it might seem like I’m just being dramatic about getting old, because 30’s not really old yet, it feels like it to the “me” that still feels like I’m 23 24  24½.  So this isn’t meant to be a “Oh-my-gosh-I’m-SO-freaking-old” pity party, OR a “look-at-me-I’m-super-young-and-still-energetic” explain-a-brag.  It’s simply a way for me to be excited about the next phase of my life, and to be excited for all that’s in store.  And MOST of all, to remind myself (and anyone reading along!) that you’re NEVER too old (or too young) to try new things and to make TODAY the biggest adventure yet, simply because it’s the one happening right now. (Shout out to my grandpa, who told me on his 94th Christmas that THAT one was his favorite because it was the one happening right then and there…)

So thanks for being here and reading this, and following me while I go on this grand adventure!  I’m so excited to challenge myself each day, to step out of my comfort zone once or twice, and to hopefully spread some smiles while I’m at it!

Much love,


Stay in touch- I’d love to hear your comments, feedback, or ideas on new adventures!


  1. I love your blog! I look forward to reading your new adventure everyday!! Keep up the awesome work in not only achieving goals, trying new things and doing things on your bucket list, but growing as a woman, mom, and wife!! Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks Karen!! I know I'm so far behind right now with posting updates, but at least I'm still on track with the tasks! :)
